Winter is coming...
Due to the changes of the weather we discuss about winter in the classroom. A child asked me “Miss what are the colors of winter?”. This gave us an opportunity to go out in the nearest park, to notice the sky,the tree,the nature.
When we returned I put from YouTube “The Winter” of Vivaldi and I let children move and dance like they wanted and felt from the walking. Then the kids searched in google photos about winter and winter colors. The children voted their best colors. After they created per two students the winter craft using the winter watercolors.
Toddlers wanted snow in their craft so they added salt!
Toddlers wanted snow in their craft so they added salt!
We let the crafts dry and winter came! Let’s discover the word winter and it’s letters! In this activity the toddlers walking and dancing like a snowflake with the song “The walz of snowflake” of Tchaikovsky. Then the kids put the letters in the correct order so as to make the word winter.
Winter is back!!
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